I Remember Liking That Movie Podcast

A Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985) Revenge, Possessions & a whole lot of GAY!

Do You Remember That Movie? Season 2 Episode 47
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We don't remember much about this movie, only that it went in a different direction than the others for better or worse. It had a more serious tone and Freddy wasn't as chatty as usual. We also don't remember that since its release this movie has become a bit of a Gay/Horror cult classic. We'll be honest, this went right over our heads. To be fair, the last time we saw this movie, we were still kids. Not only are we excited to back to Elm Street, but we're just as excited to see everything we seemingly missed. So join us as we go back to 1985 and watch what is apparently, a more gay Nightmare On Elm Street.

Do You Remember Liking This Movie?