I Remember Liking That Movie Podcast
Every episode, we explore a movie we haven't seen in like forever, and see if it is still as good as we remember. We use the first part of the show to try and remember what we liked about the movie. Then we go over the movie which includes looking at the poster, taglines, actors, synopsis, and finally, we watch the trailer. Then we predict whether or not we will like it. The second part of the show is when we come back after watching the movie and review it. Usually with hilarious results. We love going back to watch all sorts of genres. Horror, Comedy, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Comedy, Action and Adventure. Doesn't matter how bad the movie might seem. If we liked it back then, we'll see if it holds up today.
I Remember Liking That Movie Podcast
Ski Patrol (1990) A Raunchy 90s Comedy rated PG
Do you remember Ski Patrol from 1990? We do. Or we thought we did. We got a few ski movies mixed up into one hodge-podge memory. So join us as we go back to 1990 and watch a raunchy comedy with no raunch from the makers of Police Academy. Not the first Police Academy. The later ones. It should be awesome.
Do You Remember Liking This Movie?